Sunday, May 17, 2009


These past few weeks have been CRAZY!!!
After the tri was Women's Conference. I just love going up to the "Y" (BYU) and spending some girl time with my mom, aunt, sisters, and this time my wonderful friend Marie. Marie and I even got to catch up with one of our friends from Snow College Amber. It is so much fun running into old friends and being away from our husbands and kids. The conference was good and the focus was on the "Family." The best part for me is the drive. I get to spend 6 hours there and 6 hours back with my mom and aunt. The conversations and the topics are so much fun. It is nice to know that the issues I am having is my life are not uncommon and are survivable.

While I was at Women's Conference Camille had her new baby girl "Danielle" blessed. It was a full weekend that was non stop.

Before leaving Provo we made a stop at the Adult Care Center where my aunt Vickie lives. What a special spirit she is. She is my mom's half sister. She is living well pass most mentally handicap people do and the only thing we can think to as she has a mission in life and is not going to leave until she fulfills it.

What a weekend but it is not over yet. Every time I go out of town Matt surprises me with something he has done on the "honey do" list. For example when I went to Florida for a work conference last year I came home with my cat de-clawed. This time I was hoping for my backyard to be done...well I sort of got that. Matt stuccoed the back wall. He tells me this is the first step to getting the plants in...will see.

After Women's Conference was my good friend's wedding. My friend Ciara has been searching for the perfect man for sometime and she has finally found him. I am so excited for them.

Kyle as a dancing foul. He was dancing with everyone Ciara, me and even little Zoie. You go dude!!!

Just when I thought I could breath I had to spend a week in a training for work. The training was for radKIDS ( ). Anyone with children you have to look into this program. There is no other child safety program out there like this one. This is an empowerment program that teaches kids how to be safe and how to defend themselves if they are ever being kidnapped or abused. This is not stranger danger because that program does not work. Look into it. I am now a certified teacher of this program and can't wait to put my kids through the program. Ed Smart (Elizabeth Smart's dad) is a big supporter of the radKIDS program. The other program I learned about and can run is the PRIDE program ( ) it is a child based neighborhood watch. Look into this one too. Let me know if you have any questions about either program.
Now I can breath!!!! At least for a minute.
Life is so busy. I have realized that I just have to take it one day at a time. Life is short and you do have to enjoy every moment you can get.

1 comment:

chanel said...

love seeing picts of your family!!! your mom looks great!! Camille's daughter is soooo cute!!! say hi to everyone.

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