Sunday, February 13, 2011


It's the day before Valentines and baking I have done.  Every so often I get in these baking moods and this time it was cookies, banana sheet cake and two heart shaped cakes for the kids to decorate and eat tomorrow.  Work enjoys when I get in these baking moods and so does my cousin and a lucky friend or two as I have to share the goodies.
The kids have their valentines all signed and ready to go.  Renae's teacher is doing a Heart Healthy Valentines party so we are bring 5 bananas (that is what got me in the mood to make the sheet cake).  Renae is a little disappointed that she wont get cupcakes and cookies during her party.  I told her we have enough sugar at home and she said that she wants it at school.  So, she is packing it in her lunch.  Kyle here is the story on him...he bought a Valentine for a special little girl named Jasmine.  All week he has been asking to go to the dollar store so he can use his dollar and buy her something.  We complied and this special girl is getting a stuffed animal valentine frog.  It is the cutest thing to watch him get excited over this girl.  While at the store Kyle was looking for a red ring because red is her favorite color.  We could not find one so he compromised on the frog with the red heart.  The story gets better...Kyle never asked for a toy himself while at the store Matt and I asked him if he wanted something and he said he only had one dollar and it is for Jasmine.  How cute is he!!!
As for Matt and I we are content watching our kids get excited about their Valentines that spending the night as a family listening to the days stories will be enough for us.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Where Have I Been

I can't believe it have been over a year since I posted on my blog. The question is where to start... Matt and I are still working for the City and are grateful for our jobs. Renae is now in 3rd grade and Kyle is in 1st.

Renae is growing up so fast and is becoming a wonderful young girl. She has her moments and can be moody but we get past it and she learns from her mood swings. She played soccer this year and LOVED it! We will be playing again next year. She got 3rd place in the science fair for the 3rd grade. I was very proud of her.

Kyle, my big guy, is getting bigger everyday. He is full of energy and loves his mom. He does call Matt and I monsters when he does not get his way but give him 2 minutes and we are the best again. Kyle is playing basketball this year and is learning that he has to pay attention or he will miss the ball.Matt and I are great. Besides work we are busy with the church. I still play the organ and am now Ward Camp Director. I love this calling. I am having so much fun planning this years Girls Camp. I think my two callings gives Matt the right to lay low for a little while as he just got released from scouts. I will be keeping him busy with Girls Camp.

We are so blessed as a family and I will try to do better this next year on my blogging.